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We are still not over the woman who is planning to marry her duvet or the guy who was in a serious relationship with a cockroach for a year! And the world has already come up with another bizarre love story to blow your mind once again. Michele Kobke, a woman from Berlin, Germany has revealed that she is in a romantic relationship with a plane that she first met five years ago.
Yes, you read that right!

The 29-year-old claims to sleep with her “darling boyfriend” by her side every night, either with real components or a 1.6-meter dummy model of the aircraft. Just like you sleep with the photo frame of your lover! The woman also says that her family has accepted and approved of her relationship with her plane boyfriend, “quite pleasantly”.
The woman shared her story and stated, “The last time I was in a relationship with a man was in 2011 but there was no love there. My first flight was at the end of November 2013 and I became so in love with aeroplanes, I got so excited every time I looked at aeroplane pictures and videos.”
“Schatz is my first love. This is the most beautiful relationship you can imagine”, she explained. The woman expressed her wish of getting hitched to her sweetheart soon and plan to live in a hangar with it. Kobke believes that it’s a special kind of love and it does not hurt anyone.

This looks like a very severe case of Objectophilia, where people develop strong feelings of affection, attraction and commitment towards inanimate objects. And people say that my obsession with my soft toys is abnormal, huh? At least I don’t wish to marry anyone of them or imagine making love to them. EYEROLL!
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