What would you do if you saw, after a few years, that your boyfriend who was supposed to have died was actually alive and kicking? Well, I would go into shock and so did this woman!
According to a report by Metro UK, a woman was shocked and left speechless to find her ex-boyfriend, who was supposed to be dead, was in fact alive.

Here’s what happened, Rachel was 18 years old when she started dating a 21-year-old chef at a local pub. 3 months into the relationship, the guy borrowed $1,000 USD (Rs 70K approx) to help meet his expenses after he broke his hand. A broken hand meant no cooking, and for a chef to be not being able to cook meant no earnings.
According to ABC News, the two broke up after a few months and not over anything important. The guy had only paid her back $300 USD (Rs 21K approx) and later stopped replying to her texts when she asked for the rest.

Later, his friends started telling Rachel how furniture from his apartment was slowly going missing.
“Furniture was gone, the bed was gone, everything was gone. The initial story was he’d gone to rehab in Queensland,” she said. She also got to know that he borrowed money from his friends too.
And then, her ex’s mother called her friends and said he had died. She claimed that her son had been murdered because he owed money to a bikie gang.

She, of course, wouldn’t ask for proof and didn’t ask for any further details. She “just grieve(d) in her own way and move(d) on”.
However, 2 years later, Rachel along with a friend were hanging out at a family restaurant in a different town when she found that her ex was the chef there and was therefore alive!
She wanted to meet him and probably because the ex told the manager he didn’t want to see them, the two women were asked to leave. She called the cops and asked for help, but they declined. She later went on to call the restaurant and ask for him, but an official said no one with his name worked there.

Weird enough, later that night her ex’s mother (the one who told everyone that the guy had died) sent her a message telling how the guy was fired from his job because of the “scene” that they created.
Rachel could not understand what happened and why it happened. She just wanted to meet the guy and ask him a few questions and talk it through.
She even met him after a few years in the same locality as before. She claimed he tried to act as if he couldn’t recognise her.
“We made eye contact, and you could see he recognised me. I was like, ‘long time no see!’ And he went, ‘Oh yeah, it has been a long time,” she said. She also gave a shot about the money and asked him about it, but he “mumbled a denial”.

This story is enough to write an entire mystery novel!