Don’t you just love ice creams? I mean who doesn’t? There is nothing to not love about it. It is delicious and cold and it melts in your mouth. Plus, there are so many options to choose from. You can have a candy, a waffle cone, a cup, a sundae, an ice cream sandwich, an ice cream cake and what not. You can put it in your milkshake or add some fruits too.
But you know what’s the best part about ice creams? Its flavours. There are so many of them, but there will be that one which will make a permanent place in your heart. From black current to cookie dough, from mint to cherry vanilla; there are so many to choose from.
But, is there any ice cream flavour you won’t even try at gunpoint? None you say? Well, I’ve got some news for you then. These weird ice cream flavours will send your taste buds in a coma.
1. Crocodile Egg Ice Cream

Yup, you read it right. Just to make it clearer, it is made from actual crocodile eggs. It is served at a place called Sweet Spot Artisan Ice Cream in Davo City, Philippines.
2. Breast Milk Ice Cream

An ice cream shop in London called The Icecreamists has a flavour called ‘Baby Gaga’ which is basically ice cream made from breast milk. Where do they get breast milk from? It is donated by members of the public, blended with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest.
3. Octopus Ice Cream

It’s a popular flavour in Japan and is known as Taco Aisu.
4. Coronation Chicken Ice Cream

This flavour was created by chef and founder of Italian gelato emporium Gelupo in London, Jacob Kenedy, for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
5. Black Licorice Ice Cream

A well-known ice cream shop in Los Angeles called Fosselman’s sells this very aggressive looking flavour.
6. Garlic Ice Cream

This is one of the most popular attractions of The Garlic Festival.
7. Horsemeat Ice Cream

Back to the land of strange ice creams, Japan! And no, there is no hidden ingredient. The ice cream is actually made from chopped up horse flesh.
8. Lobster Ice Cream

Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium in Bar Harbor, Maine, makes Lobster Ice Cream.
9. Wasabi Pea Dust Ice Cream

One of the experimental flavours by New York’s Big Gay Ice Cream.
10. Smoked Salmon Ice Cream

Max & Mina’s Homemade Ice Cream in Queens started this inventive flavour after a suggestion by one of the customers.
11. Bacon Ice Cream

David Lebovitz, an experimental American cook and baker created this flavour using candied bacon and blending it with brown sugar and cinnamon.
12. Spaghetti and Cheese Ice Cream

It has pieces of spaghetti, but there is no pasta sauce in the mix. It available at Heladeria Coromoto in Venezuela.
13. Lox Ice Cream

I haven’t tried it so I won’t make any comments on its taste. It’s vanilla mixed with bits of nova lox, cream cheese and topped off with salt. It’s available at Max & Mina’s Homemade Ice Cream and Ices in Queens, N.Y.
14. Cicada Ice Cream

The bugs are coated with chocolate and brown sugar and then mixed with vanilla ice cream. It’s available at Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream in Columbia. If you want to go and throw up now, I’ll completely understand.
15. Viagra Ie Cream

The flavour was created by a British ice cream maker, Charlie Harry Francis.
Well, if you don’t eat ice cream in the coming week, please don’t blame me. 😉
Until next time…