This Video Of Vladimir Putin Taking On The National Judo Team Is Absolutely Badass

Russian president Vladimir Putin’s fearless attitude is known to the entire world. A no-nonsense leader, with the perfect blend of aggression and narcissism, makes the 66-year-old a man you would not want to mess with.

While his statements and pressers were enough to give us a hint about his character, we now have a video of the politician going head to head with some of the most skilled Judokas of Russia.

In a clip that is going viral, Vladimir Putin can be seen showing off his Judo skills with Russia’s national Judo team. And guess what? Much like his approach, Putin’s physical strength emerged second to none.

Putin starts off by doing flips along with the whole class. He then goes on to take everyone down to the mat turn by turn. However, woman Olympian, Natalia Kuziutina, who grabbed a bronze medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics, was the only one who brought Putin to the ground.

Being an absolute sport, Putin kissed her on her head and congratulated her for the win.

Here is the video:

As if handling a tiger and riding a horse bare-chested wasn’t enough, Vladimir Putin just took badassery to a whole new level.

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