I was going to start this one by saying we all love a good workout. And then I realised, LOL NO! So then… not everyone enjoys a good workout, or loves the gym or swears (and sweats) by cardio. And if you’re one of these people (like me), then what you’re about to see next might just scar you for life. But if you’re the healthy, working out and gym-loving peeps, then this will make you laugh and wonder what the hell is going on!
A compilation of some really INTENSE Instagram workout videos is going viral on Twitter. Why? Ummm, you should see for yourself.
who wants to see some shit that is dumb as hell pic.twitter.com/APosPTsw6E
— jake (@callmeshitto) December 6, 2018
What did you just see, right? Why were those two guys hell bent on making this guy hurt badly post workout? What were they training for? Game of Thrones? (BTW did you see the new teaser OMG!?)
These are just a few of the many questions and hilarious reactions that Twitter has had to this video.
Sorry, I can’t even. I’m in too much pain from just watching that video!
This murderous biblical analogy that is on point!
cain and abel pic.twitter.com/49BnSZQ9gM
— Socialist teeth dog (@sabertoofed) December 6, 2018
As always, the Simpsons did it/predicted it first!
— Nicola (@missxwilliams) December 6, 2018
“Jar of bees is the secret of my energy!”
His protein shake is just a jar of bees.
— Francis Dances (@MKruempel) December 6, 2018
And looks like it was a successful workout!
It’s a new workout called “let’s damage our intestines”
— ?????? ? (@solracodnamra98) December 6, 2018
Brace yourselves, those Crossfit jokes are coming!
How CrossFit sounds when people explain it to me: https://t.co/r5OlccuaEo
— Space Choice (@Cee_choice) December 6, 2018
A lot of people pointed out that the guy looked like he was doing Michael B Jordan’s workout from Creed 2!
Dudes just got done watching creed 2 https://t.co/HWwEVynKcT
— Dick Butkus (@DabMarineVet) December 6, 2018
Guy: So how do you think we can amp up this workout?
I was waiting for them to bring out some guns and just start shooting him while he did pushups
— omniboi (@omniboi) December 7, 2018
Maybe a new flirting technique?
Forget the guy in the video, I think we viewers might have some too!
Bro gonna have internal bleeding from that lmfaoo
— Lil Sasquatch (@lilsasquatch66) December 6, 2018
This excellent shade!
O.U.C.H! We’ve all been in those group projects!
Ladies! Ladies! Back off! Let a girl do her thang!
me vs my lesbian roommates who bully me for dating a man https://t.co/zAFDgIlCZ6
— rosey (@lividitalian) December 7, 2018
This alternate Disney Channel ending!
In the full length video they all kiss at the end
— stove (@AQUAFlNA69) December 6, 2018
We’ll call it Fifty Shades Of Gym Buddies!
The guy in the video towards the end be like… “Mr Stark, I don’t feel so good…”
This the trailer to the new avengers movie? https://t.co/peKjrh4EYp
— TurdBurglar (@TyusPheng) December 7, 2018
Will these workouts also be cancelled like Daredevil? Oooooooh that hurt worse!
This is Matt Murdock training to be daredevil https://t.co/PoR7GBEad8
— fuck it, emilia clarke stan account (@ven0mverse) December 7, 2018
Dear men, sab theek?
are men ok? https://t.co/ElZKzSxFN8
— Jemima Skelley (@jemimaskelley) December 6, 2018
*Plays ‘Macho Man by Village People on loop*
Masculinity is a trip. https://t.co/Bnx5buuRKM
— âpihtawikosisân (Zoticus) (@apihtawikosisan) December 6, 2018
WEIRD FLEX, BUT OK! This is the only thing to say to this video!
Weird flex, but ok https://t.co/iFuIXVzSIQ
— lil sleepy (@carson_young4) December 7, 2018
Hear hear!
Find someone who can do this with you!