“I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey
You cried when your classmate had a fancy geometry box and you had the plain one, you cried when they selected someone else over you in all competitions, you felt left out when they judged you on the basis of your physical features. And every time situations like these shook your confidence, you got desperate to grow up soon, to own vaults of cash so you could buy all the happiness in the world, be it in the form of a pretty face or taking admission in the best of foreign universities.
But then what happened? You grew up, and so did the difficulties.
The hard fact of life is that it will always, I repeat, always have long roads marked with a lot of challenging situations, for you to travel through. But it depends on what you find your life in: In the rough moments or the joyful ones that supply you with the strength to travel through with ease and abundance of happiness.
Following is a collection of sound things you would perhaps want to know when you grow older.
1. Dear 25-year-old me…

Your life has rewarded you with brickbats and bouquets so far. Reward yourself this year when you mark your quarter life journey. Also, strengthen your will as this is just the beginning.
2. Dear 35-year-old me…

I bet you have become immensely beautiful. I can see it in the depths of your eyes and heart. But your brain could probably still do some growing, so keep feeding it. Also, I hope you are living true love. But above all, I hope you are as hopeful as the Sun is to rise every time without fail.
3. Dear 45-year-old me…

I am sure you are successful today, and by successful I mean you are the happiest person in the world. Your kids might be becoming a pain in the ass, but it is okay, you were too once. Stay young at heart forever, they will help you.
4. Dear 50-year-old me…

It was just 25 years ago when you found the term ‘quarter-life crisis’ very trendy and relatable. By the way, how’s your ‘half-life crisis’ doing now? Oh! come on, learn to laugh at yourself. It is the right time to start learning to accept your fine lines on face and responsibilities that don’t seem to get over, and to find the joy in them. Find the humour in grey areas, who knows, tomorrow when you wake up, you may become 60!
5. Dear 65-year-old me…

Are you still alive? I mean, ALIVE? Hi-Five buddy, you are doing really well. Aren’t you proud of yourself, the way you led your life till now, about the mistakes you made, the lessons you learnt, and about the person you have become today. Btw, your hair has got that beautiful ancient shine to it. A shine of wisdom you gained all these years, maybe? 😉
6. Dear 75-year-old me…

It has been long since you experienced that adrenaline rush while doing something for the first time, isn’t it? You can never be too old to try something new. Don’t let the power of pills undermine the child in you. Dance on the Bollywood hit numbers from your good old days (like cheesy “Chittiyan Kallaiyan” maybe?) in front of your loved ones. They will crack up, and the rush of pink on your cheek will give you the best sleep in days.