Every day we come across cases of infanticide and newborns being abandoned by their parents, left on a dumpster to die. A similar incident happened in Kaithal, Haryana, where a newborn baby was mercilessly dumped in a drain by a woman, supposedly her mother.

The incident was captured by CCTV cameras in the locality and surprisingly, after a while, a few stray dogs are seen approaching the spot where the baby was dumped. Footage shows how one dog pulls the baby out of the drain while others bark and raise an alarm amongst the locals.

Hearing the dogs bark, people rushed to the spot and found the poor child. They rushed her to the hospital where she was declared to have been alive but in a critical condition. The baby was just 1.1kgs in weight and hence, premature. However, treatment is ongoing and doctors are trying their best to help her recover.
Watch the video here:
In the past, we have had a few disturbing incidents where stray dogs have been mercilessly killed by humans. But while humans kill and abandon, dogs save lives and have a lot of love to give.
Had it not been for the dogs, this little one wouldn’t have been alive. A man’s best friend indeed!