As they say, “there’s a fine line between crazy and genius.”
There’s no dearth of innovative folks out there, people keep coming up with amazing new inventions every other day. But sometimes people go overboard with their ideas and come up with some really weird and bizarre ideas.
Let’s have a look at some of the weirdest patents filed ever:
1. Anti-eating face mask- A mask to counter obesity problems by preventing compulsive eating
This patent was filed with the purpose of preventing obesity problems. The objective of this mask was to prevent the user from compulsive eating. Well restraining them like Hannibal Lecter is surely one way to go!
2. Kissing shield- Because hygiene comes before romance
The kissing shield was patented with the purpose of stopping the exchange of saliva and other micro-organisms which people pass on while kissing. Call me old-fashioned, but I would prefer the old-school method.
3. High five machine- Forever alone level 999
This machine was invented for lonely fans who had nobody to hi-five whenever their team scored. The device contained a mechanical hand which could be attached to a wall and the user can hi-five it whenever he feels like.
4. Gerbil shirt- To carry your pet rodents and snakes with you
That’s correct, that is exactly this bizarre patent intended to make. The proposed design of this shirt had tubes and pouches wrapped around the shirt so that your pet rodents can freely roam around. Because who doesn’t want to take a walk with rodents running around in their shirts!
5. Beer brella- To protect your precious beer from the harmful sunrays & rain
Don’t you hate it when you’re walking around with a beer in your hand and the vicious rain destroys your plans? Here’s your savior. This contraption was designed to be attached to your beer bottle and would protect it from direct sunlight and rain.
6. Shoe powered neck massager, for a creepy soothing neck massage
This creepy looking device intended to use the motion of the shoes of a person to give a “soothing” neck massage. Well, to be honest, it can be really disturbing to be walking and having a strange hand continuously massaging your neck!
7. Neck wrap and brace- For all of your everyday carrying needs
This device contained every kind of item holder that you can think about, it had a combination neck wrap for holding items and belt article holder for carrying the same. I wonder why it never made it to the markets!
8. Flatulence de-deodorizer- Because why not?!!
Now you don’t have to worry about choking others to death with your smelly flatulence! This device apparently is made up of charcoal pads which absorb & filter the flatulence to save the humanity around you.
9. Banana protective system- For your precious bananas
Have you ever felt the need to protect your bananas? Apparently some people highly value the safety of their bananas. The makers of this device claimed that you won’t ever have to worry about bruised or smelly bananas in your lunch box.
10. Waking people from their sleep
This device had a multiple alarm system which the inventor claimed could wake up any person at any given point of time.
11. Snake walking system- Because dogs are too mainstream
This device was patented with the purpose of safe collaring of snakes so that people can spend some quality outdoor time with their reptile outside the house.
Do you know of any more of such wacky patents? Let us know in the comments.