‘I Can Drain Your Bank Account’ Someone Made A Bumble Account For Nirmala Sitharaman

Imagine swiping left and right through a dating app hoping to stumble upon the love of your life. And then comes an account with a familiar face. No, it’s not the face of your college crush. It’s India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman!

There’s no way Nirmala Sitharaman could be on any of the dating apps. But, someone created a hilarious Bumble profile for our FM. Her job description – Chief Tax Slayer at Ministry.


Her bio is a mix of witty jokes and straight-up facts. She did raise more taxes than our exes’ raised red flags.

“I do believe in GST on everything you own” – OH MY!

“I can drain your bank account without breaking a sweat”?

Yes, Ma’am. We know. *cries*

The screenshots of the parody Bumble account were shared on X by a user. Have a look:

People online thought it must have been an absolute genius who made this parody account and they deserve an award!

It’s true – Sitharaman made me cry more than my ex ever did.

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