“When you are good at something, you should never do it for free”, preaches a popular quote. And just like acting, dancing, singing or writing, quietly lending an ear to someone and listen to their rant about random things is also an art! Many of us happen to do this every other day. As we are bound to listen to the blabbers, complaints, and gossips of our best friends, for free.
But for the lonely people out there, who either don’t have anybody to share things with or the ones who like keeping their personal under wraps, here’s a solution for you all. An online Japanese company is offering an ear to listen to your daily problem by charging just a few hundred bucks per hour.
Sharing our emotions whether good or bad, irritating or angry, helps us to get rid of the unwanted “bojh”. And so, it is clinically recommended to speak your heart out to someone in order to feel happy and relaxed. A bespoke service in Japan provides you with an ear to rattle out all your worries and frustration to.
A startup by popular Japanese businessman Takanobu Nishimoto, the online service called Ossan Rental has been in works since 2012. They provide middle-aged men – “Ossans” meaning uncles to listen to your daily rants at the cost of & Euros (Approx 600 Rs) per hour. So if there’s a problem getting on your nerves that you don’t like to take to your friends, just turn up to the Ossans.
Ecstatic with the success of the service, one Ossan told The Japanese Times, “A lot of people need advice on their lives, their careers or their relationships. I’m not a counselor, but I thought my experience might help someone out there.”
We hope somebody starts something similar in India soon. So that we no more have to bottle up our grievances to the point where we feel like we are going to explode. We too need our own Indian Ossans ASAP!