You can see her/him sitting across your workstation, they smile at you ever so often, their perfume makes you want to sniff them and their hair looks perfect all the time. But how do you know if they want to sniff you too?
In an office space it’s hard to figure out if your co-worker is just being their nice self or do they also think about how cute your future children will look! What’s worse is knowing this isn’t the ideal dating pool nor is it going to earn you brownie points in professionalism, but why co-workers be so adorbs!
Here are a few sure shot signs to help you with your dilemma,
1. Asks for help with work, when they don’t really need it.

You’re the Excel genie around the office, but he/she knows their sheets just as well. So if they come asking you for the formula to add cells, then you know it might be more to do with you than Microsoft issues.
2. Dines with you at lunch.

Whether you’re sitting with your team or planning to go down the street to get yourself a roll, they seem to be your constant lunch companion. They don’t mind the extra trip to an ice-cream vendor and definitely think leaving their own team on the opposite table is not a big deal.
3. He/she calls out your name so much that you hear it even when he isn’t saying it.

It’s like a ringing bell! They call your name in a meeting, they call when they ask you to pass something, they call your name and forget why they said it. It’s a legit thing, people like saying their crush’s name aloud, just to make it feel more real.
4. Your work chat is always buzzing with their messages

If your hangout is filled with messages from your colleague asking you about the weather, your day and random links that might amuse you, then this might be a green light.
5. The truth is in the details.

If they say ‘Hey, I happened to have an extra Simpson’s mug, I know how much you love Bart, so I thought I should give it to you. ‘ Now if you haven’t mentioned Bart more than twice in front of him and the only thing to prove your love for Simpsons is your wallpaper then there might be something more brewing than just coffee in that mug.
6. Afterwork plans which started out as a group outing but suspiciously is just you two now.

When a large 12 person group boils down to just you and him, with excuses such as ‘ I need to walk my dog early today’ being thrown around, you know this is a well orchestrated plan.
7. When his friends start singing songs with your name appearing surreptitiously in the lyrics

If you hear a lot of ‘O Priya, O Priya, Priya!’ and ‘Sun o priya, maine tumko dil diya’. Then Priya, you are in the middle of a very obvious co-worker crush.
8. You find them passive smoking/passively drinking coffee/passively going to the bathroom with you.

You go to the coffee machine and there they are, you stand outside the bathroom waiting to drop a deuce and there they are, you feel like smoking one and there they are.
9. Tries to grab your attention ever so often

If you look up and catch them staring each time you stretch or yawn and if he’s not your boss, then there might be more to it than just coincidence.
10. They have your back !

If you’re late for a conference call or haven’t read last night’s proposal, don’t worry, if they are crushing on you, they will most definitely have your back. You will have someone to watch out for you at work, however it might land you in trouble with HR!
11. Invests in your interests.

You rave on about your love for Star Wars or The Twilight Series and they make the added effort to manage a PHD in every single stray of information that exists in fandom, just so that they have something to talk to you about.
12. Haters club

They vow to light your haters on fire, to hate those you dislike, to love those you cherish, because they want to be your person.
13. Are you free for dinner tonight?

This one is really tricky, it could mean anything. Just about anything. Maybe it means they want to discuss the supply of office stationery, maybe they wants to talk about evading taxes, maybe.. I’m going to stop you right there. Put on something nice and just show up, let nature take it’s course.