Sugar addiction is EVIL! It catches early on and you never realise what a huge deal it can become. From wanting to eat toffees, chocolates, sweets, cakes every now and then to gulping down bottles of cold-drinks, sugar addiction becomes a problem real quick and can cause heart diseases and diabetes.
Trying to quit his fizzy-drink addiction, one man named Rohit Roy posts videos every day to say if he has had fizzy drinks that day or not. The video was shared by a woman online who called it the “most wholesome and endearing thing”.
Have a look:
There’s this man on TikTok who has been trying to kick his soda addiction. He posts every single day just to tell you that he’s had “no fizzy drinks today” and it is the most wholesome and endearing thing.
— basseyworld (@Basseyworld) July 27, 2020
In his first such video, Rohit shares how his doctor advised him to keep away from drinking fizzy drinks but he couldn’t. Which is why he decided to post videos documenting his journey so he could stay motivated.
This is Rohit’s first video. If you can’t cheer this man’s health journey on, then move around.
Rohit, you’re doing great, sweetie!
— basseyworld (@Basseyworld) July 27, 2020
He also rewards himself on reaching milestones!
I honestly didn’t know this was the content I needed??
— Nat (@malaikadiva) July 27, 2020
People on the internet, especially those with similar sugar-addictions, expressed how tough a job it is to quit sugary foods and drinks. They lauded Rohit and highlighted how he looks fresher and happier now in comparison to his first video.
Those “fizzy drinks” are a struggle for so many of us. ?
— Erika (@Enatural7) July 27, 2020
I’m 6 months sober and legit way more proud of this dude, keep it up buddy!!!
— Rob Sundermann (@SundermannRob) July 27, 2020
Sugaaaaaaaar, sugar can be an addiction plus all the additives ? but sometimes it’s not as severe as alcoholism, just a health decision. I cut out soda and sweet tea by a LOT
— jalea ✨? (@_LalaAlexandria) July 28, 2020
Woof, that’s tough. I had to quit because I hit a wall with the diabetes and I finally realized that the diet drinks I was using for substitution were just chemicals. And just a pitch black that can’t be good at all.
— Robert “Mask-Wearing Funk Lord “Sims (@RobertHSims) July 28, 2020
Just 50 days & he lost some weight, looks more vibrant & even happier.
Glad he took this journey. Out here rooting for him ??
— Marcos (@Lloyd_Marcos) July 28, 2020
Doing this publicly and creating the perception that you'll disappoint the people watching is probably a damn good way to discipline yourself.
— Jackie Daytona (@AlwaysErked) July 27, 2020
This is really just the sweetest thing. I’m following him now. @jsaxattax @elisecampbell @lesqueegi
— Barbara O'Toole (@barbaraot) July 28, 2020
Omg. He is rightfully proud, and very smart in his sincere efforts to hold himself accountable.
As a person who has quit a certain fizzy drink at least 4 times in her life, I understand the challenge.
— ?❄️ Für Elise (@elisecampbell) July 28, 2020
His smile. His joy. His sense of accomplishment. ❤
— Tweettweetter (@Tweettweetter) July 27, 2020
His earnestness is so refreshing.
— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) July 27, 2020
This is so wholesome. I fully support him. But when he said #FizzyDrink all I could think of was #FizzyBubblech
With that being said I wish I could stop drinking soda. I drink way to much.— A230385 (@allateup420) July 27, 2020
Man I feel his pain and support that. I am addicted to cola cola. I am going to try harder like him.
— Jack– Ho'ff (@cavicect) July 28, 2020
If you are someone who is battling sugar addiction, may this be an inspiration for you!