Mumbai Man Gets A Call From Flipkart 6 Years After Placing Order That Never Got Delivered

When you place an order online, there’s always that anticipation, checking the status with bated breath, waiting for the delivery. But imagine waiting for years and your order still not showing up! That’s exactly what happened to Ahsan Kharbai from Mumbai.

Ahsan ordered a pair of Sparx slippers from Flipkart back in May 2018, costing Rs 485. The order was supposed to be delivered on May 20, after being shipped on May 19. But the slippers never made it to his doorstep. The status of the order perpetually showed “arriving today,” but “today” never came.

Fast forward six years, Flipkart’s customer support finally decided to call him about this ancient order. He shared his experience on X (formerly known as Twitter), posting a screenshot of the never-delivered order. Since it was a cash-on-delivery transaction, Ahsan didn’t lose any money and didn’t bother pursuing it further, especially since there wasn’t even an option to cancel the order on the app.

Have a look at Ahsan’s post here:

People online came up with hilarious digs at the e-commerce company. However, there were some who shared similar experiences. Here’s how they reacted:

While technology can do wonders, sometimes it just leaves you hanging – sometimes for six years! Flipkart, you okay bro? 😛

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