Most kids want to do the exact opposite of what they are told to do. And the more you forbid them from doing it, the more they want to do it. Why? Because they love to let their elders know that they’re rebellious as hell.

Now, some of these kids are kind enough to ask for your consent, multiple times if necessary, before totalling your smartphone or any other electronic device. But then there are some who will go behind your back and get their job done. Today we’re talking about the latter.
Journalist Evan Osnos showed up on Twitter with a peculiar problem. He was locked out of his iPad for the next 48 years (!) after his 3-year-old had tried to open it by probably entering all the wrong passwords in the world.
Uh, this looks fake but, alas, it’s our iPad today after 3-year-old tried (repeatedly) to unlock. Ideas?
— Evan Osnos (@eosnos) April 6, 2019
Osnos told Daily News on Monday that,
“We’re still locked out. It’s down a few hundred minutes from yesterday, but it looks like we’ve still got 25 million minutes to go. On Twitter, people have suggested various fixes but the consensus seems to be that we’re using an old operating system that won’t let us restart fresh from iTunes. When I get home from work tonight, I’ll give it a try and see what happens.”
It’s true. Many people came up with a lot of different suggestions. However, most of them hilariously useless.
Reboot your 3 y.o.
— Grady Booch (@Grady_Booch) April 7, 2019
Time travel seems to be your best bet.
— ComicfromPlanet9 (@Geopilot) April 7, 2019
Next time just give the kid the passcode.
— Jim Bonbright (@3rdandKing) April 6, 2019
Do you still have the receipt for your 3 year old?
— 〓〓 Cornish Pasty 〓〓 (@iamcornishpasty) April 9, 2019
You when your iPad finally unlocks
— King of the Castle (@rapsfan25) April 9, 2019
Put it in a bag of rice
— adam (@Ad4m____) April 7, 2019
That's way longer than the Rent song, you might be screwed.
— JRz (@Jr_md_tx) April 7, 2019
My 4-year old boy suggests leaving it until your son is 53. Then he wouldn't be able to play with it!
— Steffen Christensen (@Wikisteff) April 8, 2019
And don't forget the plutonium.
— Cuervo de la Calle (@cuervodelacalle) April 8, 2019
That said, Twitter user @xbrochart did provide a solution by directing Evan to an article that had specific directions on how to fix this particular iPad problem.
The article talked about four different solutions. Option 1 was to sync the iPad with the iTunes and restore it. Option 2 suggested using the Recovery Mode. Option 3 talked about using an extensive version of the Recovery Mode, which is the DFU Mode. And Option 4 involved using Find my iPhone and performing a Remote Wipe.
A few hours later, Evan provided an update that said that Option 3 was the solution to this mess.
Update on toddler-iPad-lock-out: Got it into DFU mode (don’t hold down the sleep/power button too long or you end up in recovery). Now restoring. Thanks to those who shared advice!
— Evan Osnos (@eosnos) April 9, 2019
So, in case you don’t want to get yourself locked out of your devices, just reveal your passcode and let those kids tire themselves out. Or put it in a place where nobody other than you can reach it. However, if you’re a superhuman who doesn’t age, you can avail the option of waiting it out.