Ask anybody and they’ll tell you that lunch breaks at the office hold a special place in their hearts. It’s during that 1-hour that colleagues get together and catch up on the latest gossip, share laughs along with food, and sometimes end up playing games to lighten their mood.
Similarly, Indian employees at the German consulate in Bengaluru were spotted teaching how to play cricket to their fellow German colleagues during lunch break. Achim Burkat, a German consul, shared a video, reported India Today.
“During lunch break my Indian colleagues try to teach my German colleagues how to play cricket Happy to report that the consulate is still intact,” he tweeted.
Have a look at the heartwarming video here:
During lunch break my Indian colleagues try to teach my German colleagues how to play #cricket Happy to report that the consulate is still intact ??
— Achim Burkart (@GermanCG_BLR) November 22, 2022
Several people online thought that it was an excellent opportunity to finally have a solid cricket team in Germany so that India could play against them! Here’s a look at some of the reactions:
A good idea to start the game in Germany!
— Vinay Kumar TS (@VinayKumarTS) November 22, 2022
It is great sport that connects nations sir. An India germany cricket match would be a wonderful idea to boost tourism and friendly relationshions between the 2 countries ?
— Gururaj (@GururajBangargi) November 23, 2022
Great to see this culture ..
— iMihir (@mihirsa) November 23, 2022
Awesome! More @imVkohli ‘s in the making!!
— Sriram (彬彬), MBA MA BTECHIT (@svmbaekohau) November 22, 2022
Let it stay that way!— Vallabhan (@SelfDoubtist) November 23, 2022
The wonderful thing about sports is that it ends up bringing people from all nationalities together! 🙂