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There has been a drastic increase in the number of vehicles in India recently. Almost every household has 2-3 vehicles. So why not stand out from amongst thousands of these vehicles so that you will be the center of attention when you are stuck in traffic?
Here are some images of vehicles that have their beliefs tattooed on their bumpers:
1. Because it is important to have goals in life

…even though you are not a human being.
2. This woman obviously has some insecurities

3. Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After

4. Why spend money on fancy cars when you can put on a name sticker instead?

Fairy Godmother has turned the frog into a prince!
5. “Darr ke aage jeet hai”

6. Well, somebody had to give birth to him, right?

7. The Hulk can speak in Hindi

…and he is not afraid to say what’s on his mind! “Dekhi jayegi de bhata bhat”
8. He is obviously worried about the increasing noise pollution

“Horn Broke, Watch For Finger”
So crane your necks, and watch out for his finger.
9. He is not ashamed of declaring that he is a free-loader

“Down payment by Mom”
“EMI by Wife”
“Enjoyed by me”
Please pay off my loans too, generous people.
10. He has obviously had some traumatic experiences with girls

“Take Poison But Do Not Believe On Girls.”
Maybe they lied about his English being good, and hence the broken heart?
11. Finally.. A Car + Matrimonial ad to whisk you away! Where’s the phone number?

Anybody interested? He has been waiting patiently through all this traffic!
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