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There are two types of people – one who are extremely comfortable with ungeared scooters. And the second rare kind can drive a geared motorbike effortlessly.
That’s why women who drive bikes turn people’s heads and kick stereotypes in the nuts at the same time.
Roshni Misbah, also known as ‘hijabi biker’, is making waves in Delhi for being the woman biker driving around not just normal bike, but superbikes.

She owns a Honda CBR 250 cc, Royal Enfield 500, and a Suzuki Intruder 1800. And man, does she look like a biker!
She usually dons the regular biker gear – leather jacket, shoes, and a racing helmet. But the one thing that makes her stand out is the hijab she wears while she drives around.
She started driving geared motorbikes when she was in the ninth standard. She learned to drive on her father’s and brother’s bike until she was confident.

Her first bike was a Bajaj Avenger Cruiser 220. She bought it as soon as she joined university for her graduate studies.
And if you thought that she is just a typical Delhi girl who gets huge amounts of pocket money to buy anything she wants, it’s not that.
She saved money from part-time jobs to pay over half the cost of her first bike. And although she comes from a conservative Muslim family, her parents are very supportive of her hobby.

But her extended family did ask her father why they let her drive around.
“My uncles and everyone else would ask my father why he had given me a bike because it is not meant for girls, and even, who would marry me?”
But Roshni gives zero shits about marriage and stereotypes. Her father has also ignored all the remarks and only supported her in her hobby.
Her presence is felt strongly on the streets of Delhi, where she has become quite famous. She is also a part of various biker groups in the city and rides with them for social issues.

“I never break the rules, I don’t do stunts. In fact I try to raise awareness on safe biking. And I always wear safety gear when I am on the road.”
She faces criticism every day. Some are directed at her gender, some at her religion. But she has stuck to biking while being respectful towards her religion and its practice. She likes wearing the hijab and what it signifies.
She intends to keep on doing what she does and also do her doctorate in Arab studies. And after that – help her father with his business and upgrade to a Triumph Rocket 2300 cc!
Until then – keep rocking like you are.
News Source – Hindustan Times
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