Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve had an argument with someone and they completely misinterpreted your words or gaslit you and you really wished you had a recording of the entire argument? It’s not really weird to have such wishes because there are people who will constantly try to twist your words, put words into your mouth or even gaslight you to make it seem as though everything was your fault when it really wasn’t.
Which is why, a guy took to Reddit’s r/AmITheAsshole subreddit to share how during an argument with his girlfriend, he transcribed everything she said in a notebook so he could look back at all that she said and point by point address her arguments. He did this because he almost always gets misinterpreted.
“I hate being misrepresented and I hate it when during a fight my GF oversimplifies what led to a fight, or omits parts of what happened to make me look worse,” he wrote.
He went on to add, “So a couple nights ago when we got into a fight I went to my room, grabbed a pen and a notebook and asked my GF to tell me her side of the story. I promised to not interrupt. She was confused as to why I have a pen with a notebook, but I told her to ignore it.”
After she finished her argument, the guy went through all the points and when the woman realised that he had transcribed all that she had said, she found it insulting and called it weird.
“I insisted that unless I’m allowed to use my notes I’m not engaging in the conversation. She insisted that unless I’m giving up the notebook she is not talking to me, because ‘using notes when talking to your girlfriend is the dumbest shit she heard’,” he wrote.
Have a look at his full post here:
AITA for transcribing my girlfriend’s arguments during a fight in a notebook?
byu/ShelterAppropriate inAmItheAsshole
Several people online reached out to the guy saying that he isn’t wrong to take down notes if he is being gaslit constantly. However, many also pointed out that if he’s being regularly misinterpreted and shut down, then maybe he shouldn’t be in the relationship in the first place.
Have a look at some of the responses to his post here:
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
byu/ShelterAppropriate from discussion
Do you also think that he should get out of that relationship?