Sometimes all we want to do is eat all the things we love and not gain weight. Most times, the things we love aren’t really the healthiest options. Parathas drenched in butter, tandoori chicken, ice cream, cakes, and chocolate – none of these things is good for our overall health if consumed regularly.
However, a guy named Ryan Mercer lost 3.5 kgs after eating pizza 3 times a day for a month! Here’s how he did it.
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According to India Today, Ryan is a fitness trainer by profession. If you go to his Instagram handle, you’ll see visuals of him pumping metal at the gym and putting in a lot of work to maintain his fitness. At the beginning of January, he posted a video on Instagram saying that for the next 30 days, he will just be eating pizzas for all three meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner. His rules included that he can have side dishes with the pizza and drink one protein shake a day.
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He also mentioned that the pizzas can be ordered from a restaurant or made at home and he will make sure that they meet his daily dietary needs.
So if you think that he has been having Domino’s pizza loaded with cheese every day, then you are wrong. When made the right way, pizzas can be a very wholesome food diet providing you will all the necessary nutrients. It’s a balanced dish including carbs, protein, fat and veggies.
So, every day, Ryan ate 10 slices of pizza throughout the day. He sometimes ordered them and most times cooked them at home. He ate air-fried pizzas, grilled pizzas, pita bread pizzas and whatnot.
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Now, you may think that you can eat homemade pizzas 3 times a day and lose weight. But that’s not the case. After digging through his videos, we found that Ryan walks an average of 15,000 steps a day and hits the gym 6 times a week.
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After all, there is no way a person can eat only pizza and still look like this:
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This is a video documenting his results. His body looks way leaner and he is 3.5 kgs down.
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“January is a tough month for people when it comes to fitness goals. I aimed to highlight not only fat loss, about calories in and calories out but that it’s also not about restriction. We don’t have to restrict our favourite foods to get results and I also wanted to encourage more people to prepare their own food,” he said.
The basic understanding is that in order to be fit and have a lean physique, one must put in the work because it’s not magic. Even if Ryan is eating pizzas all day, he is hitting the gym and walking more steps than is usually recommended to us (10,000). So, don’t be fooled people!