12 Things Gunther Taught Us About Love

We all have our favourite characters from Friends. Seeing them tumble from one relationship to another has taught us a lot. But, the one character who taught us the most about love wasn’t one of the 6 main characters, it was Gunther. And as Chandler liked to call him, Gunther Central Perk.

His love for Rachel was maybe a tad bit creepy, but there was a lot of depth there, something that was unmatched when you put all of Joey’s relationships together!

1. When the love of your life needs a hug, you need to come through right away!

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Even if you don’t make it like Gunther, it’s your duty to try!


2. You’ll always be their long standing coffee date

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Even though you aren’t the person sitting next to them on the couch, you can be the reason they’re chirpy in the morning.


3. Never let superiority at work get in the way of your love, because the dirty trays aren’t going to make you smile at work

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I bet Gunther never missed a day of work knowing that Rachel was working as a waitress at Central Perk and everyday was a happy one. Even when she quit, he didn’t let that waver his feelings for her, he looked at her the same way.


4. A little jealousy is always healthy and sometimes a little adorable

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Remember when he chucked out this guy who Rachel seemed to be checking out, or the time he broke all those cups in the kitchen when Mark asked Rachel out. Or the time Joey was in love with Rachel and Gunther couldn’t believe it.


5. Take a little burden off their hands when you can, even if it’s a skin coloured snake-like cat

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Do you remember Mrs Whiskerson? Gunther adorably agreed to take that animal home, just so Rachel would come and visit, even though he thought it was a snake!


6. Always assume no-one is good enough for them because they are one in a million, especially not a fake ‘Doctor’.

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And the fury with which he hated Ross could burn a million suns! He clearly kept Rachel on a pedestal and no-one was worth even viewing the relic that was Rachel.


7. If someone tries to make them feel alone or lonely, make sure you come through, especially to British girlfriends of their exes.

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Even if you had to lie to make their situation seem better, Gunther took it as his duty to protect Rach from all evil.


8. When someone rejects them, always assume that person is a fool for letting them go, because to you they are the best thing in the world

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He thought Joshua was a fool to not marry Rachel, only if he’d seen the ‘I do’ moment he wouldn’t be saying that. But really that’s Gunther’s love, he’d probably still think Joshua was an idiot.


9. Always explain yourself when there is any possibility of doubt, even though the kiss was just to transfer a cold.

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I love the next scene where Gunther explains to Rachel that Phoebe came on to him and kissed him, not the other way round and all Rachel can manage to say is okay. But the relief on his face is so adorable.


10. Tell them the truth because they deserve to know it

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Many might say this was spiteful and he did it because he wanted a chance with Rachel, but I think it was noble. Gunther would never want to hurt her but he knew this was soemthing Rachel had to find out, even if it wasn’t coming from Ross himself.


11. Always remember all the important dates

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And the best part was he was invited to Rachel’s birthday parties too and I bet he brought her a gift she didn’t exchange for once.


12. Tell them you love them because it’s never too late, not even if they’re moving across an ocean

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During the last scene with Gunther, Jennifer Aniston couldn’t stop crying, so clearly his love did make a difference.

Gunther taught us all how to love unconditionally, granted it came out a little creepy sometimes, but it was always came from a good place. 

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