This GIF Of The Indian Map Is All You Need To Ask For A Kiss In Every Indian Language

A kiss is the most rudimentary form of showing love to your loved one. However, in India, it’s looked upon as a subject of disgust. But a website decided to turn things around.

Filmmaker Paromita Vohra’s website named Agents Of Ishq came up with a unique Indian map – a map that tells you how to ask for a kiss in almost every Indian language.

The website crowd-sourced the list that tells us how to ask for a kiss in every language, which can help you immensely.

Here’s the map:


The colors that border every region on the map match the languages in this key:

So be it a chumma or a muddu, go and show some love. 😛

You can thank me later.

Source: Agents of Ishq

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