‘Mummy Issues’ To ‘Feminism’, People Reveal The Most Crucial Question They’d Ask On A Date

There are so many articles on the world wide web on how to break the ice on a first date, lists of questions one can ask to know them better, and also a list of topics to be avoided. With so much information, sometimes it becomes difficult to choose which advice to take. So, Twitter user @Oloni decided to make it simpler and asked people to tweet what they’d ask a date if they were allowed only one question.

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A lot of people listed out lighthearted questions which would be great conversation starters, elicit laughs, and also reveal a lot about their interests, thoughts on weird food combinations, and if they were comfortable sharing food.

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But some people dove right in to ask serious and deep questions about feminism, happiness, and whether women should be less ambitious after marriage. The answers to these questions can be considered make or break in relationships, don’t you think?

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Which one of these questions would you choose to ask your date?

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