What comes to my mind when I hear the word ‘Formals’?
No way. Following dress codes is a ridiculous concept that I just refuse to follow.
But, A.D.Naik, the superintendent engineer (Class-I official) of ONGC stopped wearing a shirt since 2005.

Not because he hates formals, but to fight corruption. Yes, you heard it right.
Even though he attends high-profile corporate meeting, travels in a business class, and earns Rs 2.5 lacs per month, there is no change in his attire.

When the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA) deducted 40% of his 3.2 acre land in Chadkheda village as part of the town-planning scheme on November 16, 2005, he tore his shirt before the officials and since then he has never put a shirt on his body.
Seven years later, from 2013, he has been sporting a white vest and Gandhi topi with a messsage ‘Bhrashtachar Hatao’ (remove corruption).
As reported by TOI, this is what he had to say:
My attire piques interest of many people who I apprise of my pledge and growing corruption in society. I am a middle class, common man. This is the only way I can protest against corrupt system.”
This is indeed a very cool and unique way of fighting corruption. More power to you, sir.
News Source: The Times of India