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Even if you do one new thing daily just once in your life, your one life won’t be enough. There are many things that we don’t give a strong thought to, but it’s time that we do. These things may look pretty small from a distance, but hold the power to give us immense satisfaction.
Try out these things at least once to understand life from a whole new vista.
1. Fund a child’s education

How wonderful will it be to know that you’re helping someone build a bright future?
2. Give your maid Sundays off

And especially on women’s day because women’s day is not just about your mom, wife & sister, but about every women out there.
3. Treat the destitutes on the streets

And don’t click a selfie while doing that to show off on social media. Do it selflessly.
4. Fight for something you believe in

Don’t just easily give up because majority think it’s not worth it. Change has to begin from somewhere after all.
5. Do exactly what you’re afraid of

Nothing better than beating your fear and coming out strong.
6. Date the wrong person

To understand yourself better. It might hurt, but it will teach you to not form opinions before hand and understand people who are not like you.
7. Crash a stranger’s wedding, but be nice

Don’t go there all drunk. Be nice to people and enjoy as it comes.
8. Start a small business

Be it a vada pav stall. Just to understand what it takes to run a business, and how you can use your talents in the best ways possible. You’ll get a glimpse of how to treat your customers and your employees.
9. Work in a wildlife sanctuary

Learn and understand nature and wildlife closely to value life.
10. Volunteer teaching in a school

You will understand it is not easy to teach someone or find someone who is willing to learn.
11. Organize an event- it can be a small gathering too

But definitely organize one just to understand that managing things be it small or big is not easy.
12. Surprise someone for no reason

Learn to make someone happy without any reason or occasion. Making someone happy will give you twice the happiness.
13. Learn something that you think will never help you

You never know it might just be a game changer for you. Even if it isn’t, just learn. Knowledge never goes waste.
14. Master a dish, cook something that only you will be best at

No greater happiness than hearing someone say, ‘No one in this whole world can cook better Maggi than you.’
15. Buy something that is shit expensive. Something that you pushed ahead all this while only because it’s that expensive

It’s okay to spend a bomb on that one thing that you really want. After all what do you even work so hard for? To make yourself happy, right?
16. Spend one entire day with a stranger. That stranger doesn’t necessarily have to be your a potential love interest

It can be anyone from any age group or gender. You’ll be surprised to know that reasons for happiness and sadness are pretty similar, just packaged  in different stories.
17. Have an unplanned unexpected kiss with a stranger. Don’t go looking for hook ups, just be there in the moment and do it

Feel the vibes and go for it. Don’t exchange names or numbers. Just live that moment to have your moment of infinity.
These are unconventional, but trust me you’ve got to do them at least once in your life. It may just give you the kind of happiness, satisfaction, and peace that you must have never even dreamt of.
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