Have you ever been in a situation where you have exhausted your salary immediately after the payday and then regretted all your useless purchases because you are yet to pay your rent?
Well, those who often find themselves stuck in similar situations, they know how ‘Uncle, bank ka server down hai’ and ‘salary abhi tak nhi aai’ always works.
But this Delhi man came up with the baap of schemes to avoid paying his rent completely. His evil plot involved getting his landlord jailed because ‘na rahega baans, na bajegi bansuri’.

Sumit Bhadana, 22, happened to rent an entire residential building from Varun Juneja. Sumit ran a PG hostel in the building located in Amar Colony.
But apparently due to loses in his business, he wasn’t able to pay his landlord Rs. 2.25 lakh that was due for six months.
Instead of coming up with a plan to recover his losses, Bhadana conspired to jail his landlord by faking an attempt-to-murder case.

According to reports, Bhadana shot himself in his thigh and shoulder to frame his landlord for attacking him. He then called up the police, alleging that he has been shot at by Juneja and was being taken to a hospital. The police rushed to the spot only to find blood on the floor and two empty cartridges.
Bhadana in his statement to the police said that he and his landlord Juneja had an argument over his outstanding rent after which Juneja fired two rounds on him and ran away. But Juneja denied the allegation and said when he asked for rent, Bhadana suggested he come back later as he didn’t have money.

According to a police officer, “Juneja also said that Bhadana had asked him to come back on Friday as he did not have the money. Meanwhile, Bhadana, who was undergoing a medical examination at Safdarjung hospital, fled when he was being taken for an ultrasound.” The DCP informed:
“The fact that he fled, the non-life-threatening wounds and contradictions in the statement raised suspicion. A search was launched and Bhadana was caught from his sister’s house.”
Bhadana later admitted that he planned to trap Juneja and extort a settlement amount. He also revealed that a week ago he’d gone to Rajasthan and bought a pistol with the help of his brother, Naveen. Now, Bhadana and Naveen are under police custody.
Looks like Sumit had been watching Mirzapur for far too long. Don’t try this at home, folks!