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According to a WHO report, 7 people die of stress in the world EVERY 2 seconds. The study also says that 80% of these deaths are caused due to work stress.
The world is a cut-throat competition and you have to give your cent percent every day to thrive or else, you get left behind. But as the curse of not being a robot would have it, we all tend to make human errors and in that one moment of weakness, either you break or they break you.
All that being said, there are jobs that require you to be 100% assertive. The minute you lose focus, a catastrophe might happen. Police, soldiers and anyone who works day and night to make sure we sleep peacefully every day are the people who deal with most stress. Imagine the stress of being in a position where you are responsible for uncountable lives?
Worried that her husband is stressed and would kill himself, wife of a Delhi cop wrote to Police Commissioner, Amulya Patnaik. According to an Indian Express report, her husband is deployed in the security of Rashtrapati Bhavan along with 700 other personnel including four ACPs, a DCP and a joint CP.
The personnel is deployed for 12-hour shifts and that gives him almost no time to spend at home.
In the letter, that was soon forwarded to the Joint Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner responsible for security at the Rashtrapati Bhavanshe, the wife wrote,
“My husband… has to do 12 hours of job daily. He leaves for work at 7 am and comes home only after 9 pm. Due to this, he can’t give time to his family… We are disturbed.”
She suggested that the cops should be deployed for ‘6-hour-duties’. She made a point and said, “nobody can remain alert while standing for 12 hours.”
She also warned in the letter that because her husband is not able to spend much time with the family, he is stressed. If he takes an unfortunate step, force should be held responsible for it.
“He may commit suicide out of stress and the force will be responsible for it.”
The IE report also said that 43 personnel in total have committed suicide since Jan, 2012. This year also, 4 cops have taken their own lives.
The letter has been forwarded to the concerned authorities and her claims are being verified. Hope something good comes out of it. If stress at work is causing someone to take their life, there’s something very wrong with that job.
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