CEO Shares How His ‘Most Successful Hire’ Was A Candidate With No Resume Or Experience

Do you know what is the major difference between millennials and Gen Z?

Millennials walk into a job interview with polished resumes, well-rehearsed answers and neatly pressed outfits.

Gen Z walks into job interviews with Instagram Reels, bright visuals and sheer audacity.

While millennials worked hard to curate their LinkedIn profiles, Gen Z is posting application videos on LinkedIn. Here’s an example.

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Tasleem Ahmad Fateh, CEO of a ghostwriting agency, wrote about his most successful hire on a LinkedIn post. On paper, the person was the wrong fit in every aspect – they didn’t have a resume and they didn’t have experience. Instead, she sent in a video application posted directly on LinkedIn, and guess what? She bagged the job over 800 other applicants.

Fast forward six months, and this bold hire is now running operations, became an equity partner, and just got their clients 30 million views.

“She is now an equity partner with me. She now runs all my agency operations She got our clients 30 million views last month. Your best hire won’t be the person with the shiniest resume. It’ll be the person whose willing to learn. Give people a chance,” wrote Fateh.

Have a look at his full post here:

As the job market becomes more competitive and creativity more prized, people are finding inventive ways to stand out. Some are making Instagram reels showcasing their skills, while others are doing virtual reality walkthroughs of their work. The message? You’ve got to do more than just list your qualifications – you need to grab attention.

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