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11232 posts
15 Signs That Prove You Are An Expert At Delaying Work
“The best way to get something done is to begin procrastinate”. And who would know that better than…
A Man Was Harassing A Girl In A Jogging Park. The Girl Taught Him A Lesson He Will Never Forget.
What would you do if a man starts to pass lewd remarks, tease and engage in eve teasing amounting to…
Do Girls Really Like To ‘Bhaizone’ Guys? This Video Has All The Answers!
One in two men gets bhaizoned by women in India. True story. If you don’t believe us, listen…
14 Signs You Have A Bossy Sibling
When you feel that you have been prepared for the military staying with your sibling, it is a…
This Powerful Video Shows You What It Feels Like To Be A Hijra In India
In this video, you see Urmi Jadhav’s (who is a Transgender activist and self-acknowledged hijra) narrative being told…
15 Signs You Are In A Relationship With Your Phone
There are different kinds of relationships and bonding, and then there is this. Taking care of your phone…
16 Truths People Who Always Get Late Will Understand
I think that the concept of time was created by humans to pick on late-comers like us. It’s…
15 Things You Definitely Lose When You Join College
In India, going to college is as much a ritual as dancing in a wedding. It’s all fun…
13 Undeniable Traits Of A Die-hard Bollywood Fan
Being Indian kids, we have been brought up on Bollywood films that teach us that no matter what…
If You Are A Software Engineer In India, You Will Absolutely Love This Video
This hilarious spoof on the movie ‘A Wednesday’ presents a software engineer’s frustration in an absolutely witty way. The way the…