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3532 posts
Amusing Street Interview Proves That If You Have A White Audi, You Won’t Get Friendzoned In Mumbai
While Bollywood actors have clearly dominated the trend of being ‘just friends’ or at least claiming to be…
Hilarious Spoof On How American Porn Films Would Look If They Were Made In India
While Bollywood copies scenes, movie posters, dialogues, scenes & complete scripts from Hollywood, wouldn’t it be interesting to…
15 Simple Reasons Why Indian Bathrooms Are The Best In The World
Yes, it’s time to claim our bathroom supremacy. As a country, we are doing great on all fronts,…
20 Things That Say You Have The Best Roommate Ever
When you stay away from home, you make friends with a strange species called roommates. They are more…
Do You Need A Single Solution To All Your Problems? This Hilarious Spoof Has An Answer.
From mixer-grinder to floor mops, from jewellery to paranormal crystals, from libido enhancer to German technology innerwear, they…
A Fake CID Agent Plays A Hilarious Prank On People. Their Reactions Are Priceless.
After the serious Northeast social experiment, the creative folks at Trouble Seeker Team is back with a completely…
15 Reasons Why You Just Can’t Go To The Gym Today
At some point in our lives, we’ve all taken gym memberships. But the fact that we miss the…
This 2 Minute Spoof Shows Exactly What Wives And Girlfriends Go Through During IPL Nights
With the IPL season on, the most badly hit people aren’t the bowlers playing against Viral Kohli. They…
21 Amusing Characters You Will Find In Every Boys Hostel In India
There’s only one word to describe the atmosphere inside a boys hostel – unreal. An outsider can never…
The Hilarious Truth Behind How Arranged Marriages Are Fixed In India
Are you tired of answering your friends from abroad on how arranged marriages are fixed in India? Worry…