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2961 posts
Man Poses As A Pilot To Get Special Treatment & Skip Queues At Delhi Airport, Gets Nabbed
People are fond of a number of unusual things in life and often have quirky habits. While some…
Greta Thunberg Lookalike From 1898 Convinces People She Is A Time-Traveller Here To Save Us
16-year-old Greta Thunberg has shaken the world with her climate change activism. Her speech in front of world…
5-YO Brings Father’s Cocaine To School, Tells Teacher He Becomes Spider-Man After Tasting It
There are several things parents are asked to keep away from children’s reach. Medications, cosmetics, electrical appliances, etc…
Man Held At Delhi Airport For Trying To Smuggle Gold Bars Hidden Up His Rectum
These days we come across several creative ways taken by people to smuggle gold and drugs at airports.…
Video Shows A Group Of Children Using Dead Snake As A Makeshift Skipping Rope
Kids don’t actually need expensive toys and gadgets to have fun. They can turn everyday objects into games…
Realme India CEO Tweets About Realme Upgrade Using iPhone, Twitter Reacts With Memes
It’s quite an embarrassing moment for a brand ambassador to get caught using other brands of the same…
Doctors Surgically Remove 3 Kgs Of Petroleum Jelly A Man Injected To Have ‘Popeye Biceps’
As kids, most of us were fond of ‘Popeye – The Sailor Man’ and his impressive physique, most…
Cow Dung Sold For ₹214 In New Jersey Store, Pack Contains 10 ‘Cakes’ For Religious Purposes
In several parts of India, cow or ‘Gai Mata’, is considered as a goddess and is worshipped. Which…
Family Of 5 Books A Luxury Holiday For ₹3.2 Lakhs Only To Find The Hotel Wasn’t Built Yet
It is quite a bummer when you go on a holiday, reach your hotel, and find out that…
Parent Instantly Regrets Buying Baby-Monitor After It Makes Kid Look ‘Possessed’
To be honest, The Conjuring series has completely ruined kids for me. Every time I have a kid…