We love Bollywood! There we said it! But no matter how much we love it, there have been so many Bollywood stereotypes that we can’t love anymore.
A good masala commercial is an instant mood-changer, but then a few stereotypes can be mood-spoilers, too.
Here we bring you 11 stereotypes about the Hindi cinema, that just need to stop. *please*
1. Bees saal baad

As a kid, I always wondered why the heroes take revenge from the villain after twenty years. Or why every flashback or fast-forward is always twenty years only? Not a year less. Not a year more!
2. Larger than life action

Umm, even if we threw a remote away, it won’t stay in the air for five seconds, because gravity is …err… a strong pull. How can a man be in the air for 20 seconds or after suffering a punch fly across the end of the street? *thinks confused* But we are sure even Newton is confused seeing that!
3. Pep-talk to the dead/dying

The classic scene where the hero or someone important in the film is dying or dead already, but a small emotional-motivational pep talk brings them back from the dead! Eureka!
4. The twin tragedy

Ah! Hit one twin, the other feels the pain. It is like inventing science all over again. A big NO. It isn’t at all like that. Twins swear by it! Sacchi… Why not try it next time you come across twins?! *grins*
5. Being unrecognizable after removal of spectacles or shaving off moustache

Really? Is one small change going to make you look completely unrecognizable? And, there are films that have a whole story revolving around that concept. It’s like my dad shaving off his moustache and becoming a new person all-together. Voila!
6. Hero never dies (mostly) and always defeats the villain. ALWAYS!

Even after getting beaten the crap out of him, the hero just never dies. He might look like a crushed tomato or have broken ribs, or was shot with a bullet, or maybe even have brain haemorrhage; the hero first kills the villain and then survives. . It is like, some sort of sacred Bollywood mantra that a protagonist can NEVER lose to the antagonist.
7. Breaking into random yet coordinated dance song

Ah! One of the most clichéd yet existent stereotype! Everyone, mind it, just everyone on the street can dance like you. They are mind-readers and can dance randomly with the hero-heroine. Anytime. Anywhere.
8. Item songs ka tadka

So a dull film with a tadakta-bhadakta item song will become a blockbuster? Mmmh! No comments!
9. Stereotypical portrayals of homosexuals

No! Not every gay man talks in a dragged toned and coordinated hand gestures, or dress like whatever Bollywood portrays them like. In real-life, you will come across them and they behave just like the rest of us.
10. Super-moms

Bollywood shows moms have super-powers who can sense their children’s distress/presence/trouble over miles. Well! Yes for a few instances we can say moms know everything, but not in a way the films show. Noopeee!
11. Against Indian culture for women to drink or smoke

Like who said that? Please just tell us! Barring a few films, it is still not-so-sanskari for women to drink or smoke. *tauba tauba*
Stappphhhh it!