Bengaluru Techie Leaves ₹14 LPA Job At Oracle & Moves To Remote Village In Ladakh To Make Art

Not everyone dreams of climbing the corporate ladder. Some people long to follow their true passions, even if it means giving up a comfortable and luxurious life. Ayan Biswas, a 36-year-old software developer from Bengaluru, is one such person. His journey from a stable job at Oracle to a simple life as a photographer in Ladakh is a testament to pursuing one’s dreams.

In February 2020, Ayan decided to take a two-week holiday in Ladakh. Little did he know, this trip would change his life. He fell in love with the slow-paced mountain life and ended up staying in Likir, a remote village in the region. As the COVID-19 lockdown began, Ayan chose not to return to Bengaluru. He had some unused leaves from work and felt more comfortable staying in the village, having previously visited Ladakh as an art teacher, reported Moneycontrol.

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During the lockdown, Ayan lived in a homestay and helped the owners build a single-storey house while keeping himself isolated. As his leaves ran out, he spoke to his manager at Oracle, who was very supportive. They allowed him to work from home during the pandemic. However, the more time Ayan spent in Likir, the more he realized he didn’t want to live a dual life – coding in the morning and making art in the evening.

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Ayan had always been interested in art and theatre. He used to help create backdrops for a theatre group in Bengaluru. In Ladakh, he worked in the mornings and spent his evenings teaching analogue printing and photography and helping local farmers. He earned Rs 14 lakh a year from Oracle and built a temporary home on the land owned by the homestay owner. He became close with the villagers, helping with chores like chopping wood and digging canals. In return, they helped him build his house.

Eventually, Ayan decided it was time to leave his software job and focus entirely on his passion for photography and documentary filmmaking. His company had been supportive, but he felt it was unfair to continue working when his heart was not in it. He realized that making art wasn’t just a hobby – it was a way of life that he couldn’t compromise.

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Ayan quit his job in May and chose not to look for another 9-5 job. He wasn’t worried about finances because he lived simply and needed only about Rs 10,000 a month. His photography projects brought in enough income, and he believed he could make this new life work.

Ayan’s story is a powerful reminder that following one’s passion can lead to a fulfilling life, even if it means giving up financial security and a stable career. Kudos to him!

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