9 Reasons Why You Should Get A Dog, Backed By Science
When we spot happy-go-lucky dogs on our commute or play with our pets at home, we know what genuine…
Meet Neena Gupta, Who Solved A Math Problem That Remained Unsolved For Almost 70 Years
We had Shakuntala Devi, an Indian math prodigy that amazed the world and proved that impossible is nothing. There…
15 Impressive Predictions That Actually Came True
Isn’t it exciting to know that most of the developments/events that shaped the modern world were predicted years…
5 Infamous Indian Mistakes That Had Monumental Repercussions
No country is run perfectly with a flawless mechanism. Tiny-big screw ups happen, but since it is a…
She Gave Birth To Rabbits, But What Will Leave You Stunned Is The Method Of Birth.
Oddity has always been an eternal part of our world, and if we wind our clocks centuries back…
19 Intelligent Jokes That You Need To Read Twice To Understand – Part 2
“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.”– Oscar…
A Single Mother Or A Cheating Wife? This Brilliant Movie Will Keep You Guessing.
Sometimes, life leaves us choiceless. It makes us do things we never thought we would end up doing.…
16 Poetic Verses By Walt Whitman To Deliver The Message Straight To Your Heart
Walt Whitman is often called the father of “free verse”- the kind of poetry that doesn’t incorporate consistent…
10 Weird Facts About Kim Jong-un That Will Make You Go WTF
Who would have thought that life of a dictator could be weirdly hilarious until Kim Jong-un came into…
9 Possible Hidden Secrets Behind Famous Paintings
So apparently, the most talented of artists of the past didn’t just leave behind some legendary paintings but…