Indian spices have long been celebrated for their variety, flavour and medicinal properties. From ancient times, traders sailed across seas, and empires went to war, all to get their hands on India’s spices. They are the heart and soul of the food that is cooked across India. But apparently, not everyone’s a fan, especially white people!

Recently, a viral post praising Indian food sparked a spicy debate on social media. An X user named Jeff posted a picture of various Indian curries alongside rice and wrote in the caption, “Indian food is the best on earth. Fight me.”
Indian food is the best on earth. Fight me.
— Jeff (@_FlipMan) September 15, 2024
However, things got heated when Australian YouTuber Dr Sydney Watson chimed in writing, “It really, really isn’t.”
She then went on to add, “If your food requires you to put dirt spices all over it in order for it to be palatable, your food is not good.”
If your food requires you to put dirt spices all over it in order for it to be palatable, your food is not good.
— Dr. Sydney Watson (@SydneyLWatson) September 16, 2024
Unsurprisingly, this didn’t go down well. Indian food lovers and spice enthusiasts came out swinging. People reminded Watson of history’s obsession with Indian spices, with European nations going to war for our spices! Have a look:
european countries used to go to war for control over the spice trade in india
— derek guy (@dieworkwear) September 16, 2024
Her ancestors who died at sea trying to find India for the very same spices looking at her from hell like
— Ur-wish (@uvi_devil2003) September 17, 2024
Your ancestors crossed oceans and waged wars just to get a pinch of spice, and now you dare call it “dirt”? If shamelessness had a face, it would be yours—especially while you’re peddling spiced tea like it’s a national treasure on your website! ?
— Diwedi (@Diwedi01) September 17, 2024
People whose food looks like dog poop shouldn’t be talking about spices.
— Stop Hindu Hate Advocacy Network (SHHAN) (@HinduHate) September 17, 2024
Is this your food?
— k ? (@kattberrie) September 18, 2024
Wish you guys would have realized that before you came looking for dirt spices to our coasts and messed up entire subcontinent !
— Adivaraha (@vajrayudha11) September 17, 2024
If people think that Indian food is all about concoction of spices, you haven’t even tasted 1 percent of Indian food. Cuisine in India is like an ocean, the taste changes every 50 kilometres. Even the oil used for cooking differs region to region.
— VP (@vaibhavpatilv) September 17, 2024
Your ancestors went to the edge of the world dying and killing along the way for these very “dirt spices.”
The whole “Age of Discovery” that made Europe a global superpower was basically an insatiable hunger for you know what.
For hundreds of years in the Middle Ages when you…
— Amit Schandillia (@Schandillia) September 18, 2024
All Caucasian people food is unpalatable.
That is a sad but hard truth.
If the entire remaining world (majority of the world population) think so, it has to be so.
Raw, tasteless, insipid stuff.
Understandably, getting to terms with this fact can be tough for some.— Dr Sankha Shubhra Chakrabarti (@sankha_shubhra) September 17, 2024
I’m sorry but most of the food in the west tastes bland as fuuuck for someone like me who’s from culture very similar to India. I can’t imagine how you find sugar in meat tasty (yucking while writing this).
Western culture evolved in regions where spices aren’t plenty and so…— StressedNugget (@stressednugget) September 17, 2024
If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that you don’t mess with a country’s beloved spices!