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They say Dogs are a man’s best friend. I say they are everybody’s best friend!
1. You look forward to go home, just for your dog’s wagging tail and kisses
2. You do not consider them as pets, they are family
3. Cuddling with the little furry cuties is the best
4. You love your dog so much, that you find them cuter than babies
5. You can’t say no to those puppy eyes. Ever.
6. You start to dislike anyone who is wary of your dog
..while you have new found respect for people who are dog lovers
7. You eat, sleep and dance with your dog, there’s no boundaries
8. Their birthdays are celebrated with more zeal and vigour than your own
9. You believe they understand everything you say, even if they don’t
10. No matter how big they get, they will always be your little babies
11. You only want to be around them, when you are feeling low
12. You want to cuddle every dog you meet
13. You can’t imagine your life without your pet
I want to be the person my dog thinks I am.
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