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Things in everyday life that women ‘on the go’ find infuriating and slap-worthy. Things so mundane that we often pass them by as commonplace occurring, set straight with a smattering of abuses and death stares towards the wrongdoers. Yet very much ‘accepted’ as part & parcel of everyday life.
1. Making your way in the crowd is 10 times more difficult for women
..because we are more busy avoiding the “accidental” brush, touch, nudge, jostle, shove, paw (read GROPE)
2. Then we have to devise multiple, situation-appropriate ways for shielding boobs
..the oversized purse, opaque plastic bag, backpack converted to front-pack or simply guarding your ‘territory’ with karate hands
3. But mentally we are doing this a million times!
4. The absolutely infuriating “Heylllllooo medam!”, “WOW”, “Oho kya Katrina!” crap
5. When after an outcry about how some asshole tried to grope you, some patronizing aunty starts with “You girls shouldn’t wear…”
6. While dressing up means…
“Ok I really love this black dress, fits me perfect…Oh wait, but how am I traveling…ummm is this length right, let me sit and check…maybe I can cover my legs with this purse…maybe I should put a jacket on until I get out of my lane and meet my gang…Oh I just hope those scumbags are not hanging around now…” Phew!
7. The X-ray stares
I can read it in your eyes you creep.
8. The lecherous gape-stares (worse than X-ray stares)
We are mentally willing a swarm of fleas to make way in their mouth!
9. When riding in a rickshaw/cab entails ‘mirror leering’
..no matter which corner of the seat you try to squeeze into the rear-view mirror unfailingly reflects ‘much of you’ even if it misses the speeding car in the back!
10. And when handing over the fare to the rickshaw/cab driver involves ‘hand grazing’
11. Talking to our boobs! (they are not gonna pop out even if you will!)
Now this one’s been tiringly hammered in over a million times, yet, fallen on deaf brains.
12. Finally, any man who says “Women have reserved seats AND Women’s day! What more do you want?”
Oh how altruistic of you, we are swooning (from all the gagging!)
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