It’s So Hot In Delhi That Woman’s Box Of Besan Laddoos Melted & Turned Into A Cake

One of the yearly customs for a person living away from home is to get homemade items while coming back from a vacation at their parents’ house. From achaar to sweets to ghee, our moms tend to fill our bags with our favourite things in case they aren’t readily available in the place where we live or just out of pure love! Some parents even pack the food and send it over to their kids’ place. However, in many cases, the foods tend to lose their structural integrity if they travel long distances. Here is an example.

A doctor named Bhumika recently shared how her mother sent over a box of besan ke laddoos to her in Delhi. But it has been so hot in Delhi that the box of besan laddoos melted and turned into a, well, besan cake!

However, Bhumika claims that the melted form actually tastes better than the laddoos!

Learning about this incident, people online had the most hilarious reactions! From calling it a halwa to a smoothie, here’s what they said:

The box of laddoos was finished. People had a good laugh. I guess it was a win-win situation for all! 😛

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